en mn jp
09:00 ~ 18:00
  • Зураг 2
  • Зураг 1



AKP participated in the discussion on "Legal issues on non-material damages in Mongolia".

The Mongolian Bar Association and the Association of Mongolian advocates jointly held a forum on "Legal issues on non-material damages in Mongolia" on...

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AKP participated to the Japan-Mongolia Business Forum-2022

In the framework of 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Mongolia, the Embassy of Japan, Representative Off...

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AKP succesfully participated the discussion about draft revision of Forensic Investigation Law.

The Government submitted a draft on Forensic Investigation Law on March 11, 2022 and discussion of this law was held on November 7, 2022. In this disc...

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Legal Newsletter №44 (2024 April)

Энэ хуулийн зорилт нь уламжлалт мал аж ахуйн салбарыг уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтийн сөрөг нөлөөллөөс хамгаалах, малчдад учирсан эрсдэлийг бууруулах арга х...

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Who we are

Who we are

Alison & Kate Partners (AKP) is a full-service law firm located in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

AKP is a client-focused business law firm that provides broad-based experience at an affordable fee. We will offer a complete range of legal services to our national, and international clients. We will ensure that we work hard to provide the legal services and counsel needed by our clients to accomplish their business goals and objectives.

Our Services

Corporate law

Corporate law

Contract law

Contract law

Civil and Commercial Law

Civil and Commercial Law

Employment Law

Employment Law

Mining and natural resources

Mining and natural resources

Energy and infrastructure

Energy and infrastructure

Stock market, securities

Stock market, securities

Tax Law

Tax Law

Construction and real estate

Construction and real estate

Public Procurement Law

Public Procurement Law

Competition law

Competition law

Immigration Law

Immigration Law



Document provision and review

Document provision and review

Our Team

  • Ariunzaya

    Ariunzaya Batjargal

    Partner, Lawyer

    Legal Issues Related to Compensation for immaterial damages in Mongolia
  • Bilguun

    Bilguun Chinbaatar

    Managing Partner

    A Comparative Study of Korea and Mongolia on the Criminal Liability of Corporation
  • Uyanga

    Uyanga Galtbaatar


    "The characteristics and legal issues of Mongolian state compensation system"
  • Tengisbold

    Tengisbold Tsogtbayar


  • Enkhjavkhlan

    Enkhjavkhlan Batbayar


    Comparative Research on Legal Issues regarding Freight Forwarding Contract in Mongolia.
  • Batjargal

    Batjargal Gochoo

    Administrative Assistant